
A New Way to Train CNAs

A Unique, Blended Training Program that Provides Flexibility, Quality Education, and Convenience.

CNAOnline addresses the long-term care workforce shortage by blending professional instructors with technology and accessibility to make becoming a CNA easier than ever before.

Why Use CNAOnline?

  • • AHCA has partnered with CNAOnline for improved pricing and tailoring of their offerings to our needs as LTC providers to meet Colorado requirements.
    • Your nurse manager team is stretched thin. CNAOnline gives you a live, online instruction format with an RN Instructor to get your students through all the classroom instruction at whatever pace you determine.
    • Their online platform holds the entire curriculum, tracks the students’ progress, and gives you an easy-to-use format to record competencies.

Students use their smartphones or other devices 24/7 to access the online curriculum, AHCA’s nationally-acclaimed, How to Be a Nurse Assistant. CNAOnline provides an RN as a qualified online instructor to work with students throughout the course. Students also receive in-person, hands-on clinical skills training from your facility clinical instructor who coordinates with the online instructor to ensure student success. The real-time data analytics show student progress and help you determine early in the course which students are the best candidates for your team.

CNAOnline Resource Information

CNAOnline (Webpage)

CNAOnline FAQs

Transitioning Your TNAs to CNAs

CNAOnline Pricing Policy with TNA