Types of Assisted Living Licensure:
- Assisted Living Community in Colorado (licensure covers group home type environments with small occupancy under 10 to large assisted living apartment communities of 100+)
- Alternative Care Facility (serving Medicaid-funded residents under a HCBS waiver for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled). You must complete ACF Provider training to begin this process.
How to acquire approval by the Department of Public Safety (Fire Safety Code)
- For any construction or renovations of a facility or agency initiated on or after July 1, 2020, the following requirements of the 2018 Editions, Facilities Guidelines Institute (FGI) including any errata and guideline interpretations adopted as of November 1, 2019, are incorporated by reference, as applicable to facility or agency license type: for residential facilities, including but not limited to Assisted Living Residences, Behavioral Health Entities, Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Nursing Care Facilities, and Hospice care: Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities.
- Submit the ALR FGI Questionnaire to request your on-site review.
Steps to Colorado State Assisted Living Community Licensure
- Submit a Letter of Intent to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Submit a complete application including all information and attachments specified in the application form and any additional information requested by the Department. The appropriate non-refundable fee(s) for the license category requested shall be submitted with the application. Applications shall be submitted at least ninety (90) calendar days before the anticipated start-up date.
- Request a background check. If an owner or applicant for an initial assisted living residence license has lived in Colorado for more than three years at the time of the initial application, said individual shall request from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) a state fingerprint-based criminal history record check with notification of future arrests. If an owner or applicant for an initial assisted living residence license has lived in Colorado for three years or less at the time of the initial application, said individual shall request a fingerprint-based criminal history record check generated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation through the CBI.
- Develop Policies and Procedures and ensure full compliance with the Code of Regulations, Ch. 2 for Assisted Living Facilities.
- Provide the requested information (see page 8-10 of the Assisted Living Regulations for more detail)
- The legal name of the applicant and all other names used by it to provide services. The applicant has a continuing duty to submit a letter of intent to the Department for all name changes at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of the change. Applicants for initial licensure shall submit a distinctive license name that does not mislead or confuse the public regarding the license or type of services to be provided.
- Contact information for the applicant shall include a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail addresses. If applicable, the facility’s or agency’s website and facsimile number are to be provided.
- The identity, address, and telephone number of all persons and business entities with a controlling interest in the facility or agency
- Proof of professional liability insurance obtained and held in the name of the applicant as required by the Colorado Health Care Availability Act, section 13-64-301, et seq., C.R.S., with the Department identified as a certificate holder.
- Articles of incorporation, articles of organization, partnership agreement, or other organizing documents required by the Secretary of State to conduct business in Colorado; and by-laws or equivalent documents that govern the rights, duties, and capital contributions of the business entity.
- The address(es) of the physical location where services are delivered, as well as, if different, where records are stored for Department review.
- A map for each floor of the applicant’s buildings indicating room layout, services to be provided in each of the rooms, the proposed physical extent of the license within each building, and all occupancies contiguous to the applicant regardless if services are being delivered under the terms of the license.
- A copy of any management agreement pertaining to operation of the entity that sets forth the financial and administrative responsibilities of each party.
- If an applicant leases one or more building(s) to operate under the license, a copy of the lease shall be filed with the license application and show clearly in its context which party to the agreement is to be held responsible for the physical condition of the property.
- A statement, on the applicant’s letterhead, if available, signed and dated, submitted with the application stating whether any of the following actions have occurred, regardless of whether the action has been stayed in a judicial appeal or otherwise settled between the parties. The actions are to be reported if they occurred within ten (10) years preceding the date of the application. For initial licensure, the Department may, based upon information received in the statement, request additional information from the applicant beyond the ten-year time frame.
- Applicants must show compliance with the Colorado Adult Protective Services Data System (CAPS Check) requirements as set forth in section 26-3.1-111, C.R.S.
- The Department shall conduct a preliminary assessment of the application and notify the applicant of any application defects. The applicant shall respond within fourteen (14) calendar days to written notice of any application defect.
- The Department shall review the applicant’s fitness to conduct or maintain a licensed operation. The Department shall determine by on-site inspection or other appropriate investigation the applicant’s compliance with applicable statutes and regulations. The Department shall consider the information contained in an entity’s application and may request access to and consider other information. (see pages 14-15 of the Assisted Living Regulations for description of items reviewed during Fitness Review)
Fee Summary
Detailed Summary of Fees
Health Facilities Colorado Regulations
Assisted Living Colorado Regulations