Account Migration and Transitioning to COHFI 2/3/2020
Account Migration and Transitioning to COHFI 2/3/2020
As discussed in a previous message from Randy Kuykendall, the Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) system will go live on February 3, 2020. To implement the new COHFI system, there are 2 important dates.
January 22, 2020 – We will be exporting the list of all current portal account managers, their email address and the facilities their email address is associated with. These accounts will be created in the new COHFI system as COHFI account managers. Any changes made after January 22nd will not be reflected in the new COHFI system at launch.
February 3, 2020 – COHFI goes live. The COHFI account admins will receive an email with their login info and a link to the new COHFI system. To access the new system you will need to click on the Forgot/Reset Password link and enter your email address to receive the link to create your password. After your password has been created you can log into the new COHFI system.
Important reminders:
As mentioned in the Admin training and preview, we are only able to migrate the account admins. Users who are not account managers will need to be recreated by the account manager.
To help with the transition, please make sure your email address is up to date.
Plan of Correction Transition to COHFI 2/3/2020
As we near the go-live date for the new Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) application, February 3rd 2020, there will be some important dates to keep in mind regarding the Survey Tracking module which will be the part of the system that will allow you to submit plans of correction (PoC’s).
Beginning 01/29/2020, all new deficiency and sample lists will continue to be sent to you via email however, those deficiency lists will not be uploaded to the current HFEMSD Web Portal application. The deficiency lists will instead be uploaded to the new COHFI Survey Tracking module following go-live on 02/03/2020.
On 02/03/2020 and 02/04/2020, all providers that were issued their deficiency list prior to 01/29/2020 but have not yet submitted an approved PoC, will be transitioned into the new COHFI Survey Tracking module, no matter what stage of the PoC process you are in, whether that be not yet submitted, submitted but not yet reviewed or reviewed and rejected for additional information. Those PoC’s will then be finalized in the new application. The current HFEMSD Web Portal application will continue to be accessible but PoC’s will no longer be reviewed through it beginning on 02/03/2020.
All providers who have submitted an approved PoC prior to 02/03/2020, but have not yet received a revisit to determine compliance, will finish out the revisit process outside of the new COHFI Survey Tracking module. This means that you will continue to submit your revisit documentation via email or fax and will not have the option to submit those documents through the module.
We understand that the transition into the new COHFI application will not be seamless. Therefore we want all providers to know that while we will still be maintaining our current expectations in terms of submission deadlines for PoC’s, that we will continue to remain flexible and willing to approve extensions to those deadlines for any providers that may need them. If you are one of the providers who is or will be going through the PoC process during this transition, you may reach out to Jason Bohl at 303-692-6221 or by email at, to request an extension or if you have any technical difficulties using the new COHFI Survey Tracking Module. Thanks for your patience during the transition period and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Occurrences Transition to COHFI 2/3/2020
As discussed in a previous message from Randy Kuykendall, the Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) system will go live on February 3, 2020. To implement the new COHFI system, there are 2 important dates to know for occurrence reporting.
January 22, 2020 – Occurrence summaries will be sent to providers for review. These summaries will be the last batch sent out from the current occurrence system. This will allow providers time to review the occurrence summaries in the current system before the go live date of COHFI on 2/3/20.
February 3, 2020 – COHFI goes live. All new occurrences must be submitted through the COHFI system on this date. Occurrences that have been in process will be moved by CDPHE staff to the COHFI system for completion. This process may take up to 4 weeks and requires that the occurrence will change identifying numbers.
Licensing Transition to COHFI 2/3/2020
The current portal system menu option used by facilities/agencies to access licensing renewal applications will be unavailable beginning January 17, 2020 through February 2, 2020. Following this, beginning on February 3, 2020, HFEMSD will be transitioning to a new platform called Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI). During this transitional phase (January 17th through February 2, 2020), facilities/agencies will be unable to submit electronic applications to HFEMSD for renewal licensing.
The following menu options will remain available until February 2, 2020:
Electronic Letter of Intent (LOI)
Facility Contact Information
Please refer to the detailed guidance below for information on completing licensing or certification actions during this interim period of time:
License Renewal Application Already Submitted, License Is Issued Before February 3, 2020: For licenses that have a submitted application and a renewal license is issued prior to February 3, 2020, there will be no change in the current process.
License Renewal Application Already Submitted, License Issued On Or After February 3, 2020: For licenses that are issued on or after February 3, 2020, the renewal process will need to be completed using the new renewal application in the COHFI system.
No License Renewal Application Submitted, License Expires On Or Before February 3, 2020: While the department will not require you to complete your license renewal application until the new COHFI system is available on February 3, 2020, the applicable license fees are still due prior to the expiration date of the license. Please calculate and submit the applicable license renewal fee by check or electronic payment.
No License Renewal Application Submitted, License Expires After February 2, 2020: Your license renewal will be submitted through the COHFI system when it is available on February 3, 2020. Please note that an application is only considered complete when the application is submitted and the appropriate fees have been paid. You may submit your application fees outside of the COHFI system by check or electronic payment at any time.
Electronic Letter Of Intent: This menu option will continue to be available in the current Portal system through February 2, 2020. Beginning February 3, 2020 all changes to facility/agency information will be made in the new COHFI system.
Facility Contact Information: This menu option will continue to be available in the Portal through February 2, 2020. Beginning February 3, 2020 all changes to facility/agency contact information will be made in the new COHFI system.
Change Of Ownership Applications: We will continue to monitor Letters of Intent for Changes Of Ownership and will provide instructions to applicants on the process to initiate a Change Of Ownership during this transition period.
If you have questions about a renewal application that was due between January 17, 2020 and February 2, 2020, you may contact HFEMSD at 303.692.2836 for additional information.
IMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE:During this transitional period we will continue to collect licensing fees and information in order to initiate the processing of your application. The formal submission of the renewal application will, however, need to occur through the new COHFI system when it is available February 3, 2020.