Calendar ListMonth GridAll CategoriesAll CategoriesActivity ProfessionalsAssisted LivingAssociate MembersCHCA Committee MeetingsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember2023202420252026202720282029October 2023SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1234567Delivering Solutions 23, AHCA/NCAL's rebranded Convention & ExpoAll Day Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Day (CHCA Office Closed)12pm Bi-Weekly Membership Update8910111213142pm P4P Get it Done Webinar - Series 42pm Quality Initiatives and Leadership Council10:30am Safety & Emergency Preparedness Council9am Abuse Prevention & Response to Allegations Workshop11am Nurse Executive Council2pm Nutritional Professional Council151617181920211pm Medicaid Provider Collaborative Committee10:30am District V & District VI12pm Bi- Weekly Membership Update2pm Colorado Center for Assisted Living2223242526272810am Tools and Tips to Evaluate Compliance of the RAI Process3:30pm District III10:30am Infection Preventionist Committee2930311234Add to Calendar Add to Google Calendar